Substance Use Counseling, a guiding light amidst the depths of addiction, holds the power to transform lives, mend broken spirits, and ignite the flickering flame of hope in even the darkest corners of despair.

Substance Use Disorder & Co- Occurring Counseling in Brewer, Maine

  • Areas of Expertise

    A Time To Rise - Counseling & Wellness LLC is offering counseling services for all substance use addictions and people in long-term recovery seeking support around relapse prevention and guidance from returning to old behavior patterns. Co-Occurring counseling is also available for those who have both a substance use and mental health diagnosis.

  • Treatment Modalities

    Utilizing therapeutic approaches such as, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and Inner Child work through a Strengths-Based Approach.

  • Payments Accepted

    Able to accept Mainecare, Self-Pay, Community Health Options, and DHHS Grant Funding for people who do not have insurance! Please reach out with questions.

  • Telehealth & In-Person

    Able to offer both telehealth and in-person sessions based on your preference to ensure the best quality substance use treatment.